JOLT (1st thru 5th gr)
Sings on OCTOBER 27th
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade
10:45a English & 12:30p Spanish in Main WC
**They will be onstage for all of the worship time in ENGLISH, but not SPANISH. SMILE, SING, and WORSHIP. The Words will be on the screen.**
We will wear our JOLT shirts and blue jeans. On Sunday morning, please make sure your child is CHECKED IN on the computer kiosk and has a name tag. Please bring your child to KB 202 at 10:15am. (small kids worship room). If they are in life group or kids worship at that time, we will get them from their classroom. Wearing their JOLT shirt will help us identify them. JOLT will then go to the worship center to sing in the 10:45am service and the 12:30pm Spanish service.
If your child is singing in ENGLISH ONLY, we will take them to their life group or kids worship and parents can pick them up after the 10:45a service.
If your child will sing in BOTH, and you are not sitting through the SPANISH SERVICE, please pick them up in the COMMONS AREA at 12:45pm after we sing.
If you ATTEND the Spanish service, then we will take your child to their life group or kids worship so you can stay in the SPANISH SERVICE.
KIDS ONLY Singing in Spanish, please meet us in behind the WC, near the choir room, no later than 12:15pm.
*Please take a moment to CLICK HERE and REGISTER YOUR CHILD TO SING and let us know which services your child will be singing in this weekend.
If you have any questions,